The Fantastical Island of Floo is a complex and magical place.

The Fantastical Floating Island of Floo

Gliding above the Earth, hidden within a white, fluffy cloud, the Fantastical Floating Island of Floo has long been home to the wonderful and quirky creatures known as Floofies®. There are many Clans of Floofies on the island and many wonderful spots to explore. The island is a patchwork of colorful terrains, not unlike the planet below.

From the center of the island rises the majestic mountain known as Mt. Mawoopa. On its highest peak lies a marvelous castle, home to the ruling Floofie Clan. At the foot of the mountain nestles the quaint little town of Tupo, which is bustling with activity. Here you’ll find the headquarters of the innkeeper clan, the Boofies. Deep within Mount Mawoopa are the sparkling caverns of the jewelry creating Joofie Clan and the cool silkworm caves of the master weaving Woofies. The foothills of Mt. Mawoopa hold the headquarters for the Yoofies, Floo’s main clan of builders.

Because the island is free-floating, directions are in terms such as ‘fore’ and ‘aft’. At the ‘fore’ (front) of the island is the Astroofie’s astrology tower, which, topping a ragged mountain is the island’s highest point. A close second for altitude is a nearby peak, which holds an endlessly sleeping volcano, home of the metal-smith Cloofies. At the aft (back) of the island, the Oofie’s lake cascades off the island in a graceful waterfall. This water is recycled under the island into the concealing clouds by the Hoofies. Also living under Floo are the Zoofies and the Doofies. The Zoofies harvest lighting bolts to provide power for navigation of the island and the inhabitants of Floo. The Doofies keep their science lab headquarters in the tunnels under the village Tupo.

On the starboard side of the island lies frozen tundra, home to the storytelling Ubroofies. Nearby you’ll discover the windy moors of the inventor clan, the Roofies.

A dense and diverse forest blankets the center of the island’s starboard side. A hiker through this forest would find the Xaloofie Clan working on their news reports in the hardwoods and the Quoofie Clan planning parties in an aspen grove. Deeper in the forest grows a glorious stand of sequoia, in which an artists’ commune has developed with Groofies playing music from a network of tree houses and Goofies creating works of art in their studios at the base of the trees.

Near the lake at the aft of Floo is a swampy area, home to the healing clan of Idroofies. They work closely with their naturalist neighbors, the Loofies, who have their base in a rainforest. In the center of the lake is another island. The animal loving Voofies can often be found there, at their headquarters and pet emporium. They act as veterinarians to all the above ground creatures. Living under the lake, in their special dome, are the Oofies. They tend to all livings things aquatic on Floo.

On the port side of Floo other amazing landscapes can be found. Farmlands roll gently between the mountain ranges of the Astroofie’s tower and Mt. Mawoopa, divided by picturesque streams and rivers. Moofies roam the grasslands, tending their flocks while Throofies reside within grain fields, gathering ingredients for their yummy baked goods. Colorful gardens of flowers, vegetables and fruit spread through the meadows inhabited by the Eshfoofies.

Farther aft, along the port side of Floo, a deep canyon has been carved by the main river of Floo. The rock walls provide perfect acoustics for the Noofies who practice their performances there. Beyond the canyon lies a dramatic desert, where the teachers on the island - the Poofies- have their headquarters. As the desert meets up with shores of the Oofie’s lake, a beautiful beach furnishes the athletic Koofies ample room to train.

Arching above Floo is a glorious rainbow, home to the sentimental and poetic Soofie clan. They brighten everyone’s days with their special greeting cards.

Each member of a Floofie Clan (of which there are 27) often visits their headquarters, for meetings and training or to welcome a new member. Sometimes they make their home in or nearby the HQ, but Floofies can live all over the island.

Their headquarters are as diverse and interesting as the terrains where they are located. There are igloos, giant inns, underwater domes, and large towers. Each of these headquarters relates in some way to that clan’s special skill set. All Floofie Clans have certain talents and aptitudes that relate to their jobs on the island. A Floofie’s clan membership is most easily identified by its shape.

When new Floofies are created, they burst from the Well of Imagination, a round, almost otherworldly basin in the center of the courtyard of the palace. One of the most important jobs of the ruling Floofie Clan is scoop the new Floofies from the colorful waters of the Spring of Being and then deliver the newly sprung critters to their clan headquarters. Once united with their clan, the young Floofie will learn how to use their special skills to benefit the island.

We hope you enjoy the world of Floo and consider adopting one of these lovable creatures.

The Well of Imagination

The Well of Imagination is a seamless vessel of unknown origin which seems neither man nor Floofie made. It predates all structures on the Fantastical Floating Island of Floo and remains very much a mystery to the islanders.

Scientists from the Doofie Clan have run many tests, but have been unable to identify the materials from which it made or to discover exactly how it functions. All they can ascertain is that the Well sits empty until such time as a new Floofie is being created. Then multicolored water, from the Spring of Being deep within Mount Mawoopa, starts to collect in the basin. When the new Floofie is ready to be born, a geyser of a thousand colors launches it into the air.

Records state that the first Floofie sprung from the Well of Imagination and spied a lush, untouched paradise around her. She was quickly followed by one Floofie from each of the other 26 Clans. Together, these original Floofies helped the Queen (the first Floofie) build a courtyard around the Well of Imagination. They then spread out to explore Floo, finding just the perfect spot on the Island to base each future Clan headquarters.